Check-worthiness estimation

The task aims to predict whether a given tweet is worth fact-checking, focusing on COVID-19 and politics. This classification task is defined with binary labels: Yes and No. 

Preslav Nakov, Alberto Barrón-Cedeño, Giovanni Da San Martino, Firoj Alam, Rubén Míguez, Tommaso Caselli, Mucahid Kutlu, Wajdi Zaghouani, Chengkai Li, Shaden Shaar, Hamdy Mubarak, Alex Nikolov, Yavuz Selim Kartal (2022) Overview of the CLEF-2022 CheckThat! Lab Task 1 on Identifying Relevant Claims in Tweets. Working Notes of Conference and Labs of the Evaluation (CLEF) Forum. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Task results

If you have published a result better than those on the list, send a message to indicating the result and the DOI of the article, along with a copy of it if it is not published openly.